• 1370 N. Shawano St. Suite E, New London, WI 54961
  • (920) 250-5239
  • 1370 N. Shawano St.
    Suite E
    New London, WI 54961
  • (920) 250-5239

Tater Tips

Tater Talks About Seasonal Safety

As a pet owner, the holiday season can be both exciting and overwhelming. There are so many things to think about—decorating, cooking, entertaining—and it’s easy to forget that our furry friends can be affected by all the commotion, too. That’s why I wanted to take a moment to remind pet parents out there of some of the hazards that come along with this time of year and offer some tips on how to keep your pet safe during the holidays.

Chaos From People

No, I’m not talking about family conflicts. Extra people in the house can be scary for pets. Dogs and cats are creatures of habit, so having a lot of extra people in their space can be overwhelming, especially if those people are strangers. If you’re expecting company this holiday season, make sure to give your pet a quiet place to retreat to if they need some peace and quiet. And if you have young children coming over, remind them not to pull on your pet’s tail or ears—no matter how tempting it may be!

Holiday Foods

Be careful with holiday foods. Just because we love eating turkey, ham, and all those delicious side dishes doesn’t mean our pets should be indulging, too. Many of the foods we eat during the holidays can be harmful—even deadly—to our animal companions. Turkey skin and bones are a choking hazard for dogs, while raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs and cats. So when the family sits down to feast, make sure your pet has a safe and healthy meal of their own.


Watch out for unattended handbags. We all know how hectic the holidays can be. With all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget things like purses and bags—which is why they’re often left lying around on chairs or on the floor. But if those bags contain medications or other substances that could be harmful to your pet if ingested, it’s important to keep them out of reach. The last thing you want is for Fido or Fluffy to get into something they shouldn’t while you’re busy wrapping presents or carving the turkey.

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year—but it’s also a time when we need to be extra careful with our furry friends. By being aware of potential hazards and taking some simple precautions, you can help ensure that your pet has a happy and safe holiday season.